We believe that Biblical giving is motivated by faith and love and not by fear and legalism. According to the Apostle’s teaching Biblical giving is cheerful, sacrificial, proportionate, and regular. With hearts motivated by the Gospel giving becomes a joyful part of the Christian life and serves to empower the mission of the local church.

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. -2 Corinthians 9:7

Donate online with PayPal, click the button below:

Please note that we pay a 2.9% fee on every transaction on PayPal Donations. We ask that you would consider adding an additional 2.9% to cover those fees.

You can also set up bill-pay with your bank’s online access. This can be set up as an automatic reoccurring gift. When setting up please use our mailing address:

GraceLife Church
P.O. Box 237 
Avon, NY 14414