Christ Life


For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

Philippians 1:21

The apostle Paul’s words in Philippians echo with timeless truth. For him, life was Christ, and death was gain. This wasn’t simply a bold declaration — it was a reflection of his lived reality. Paul’s existence was consumed by Jesus and His gospel. Whether he continued to live and serve or faced death, it was all about Christ.

Living in Christ, Living for Others

Paul wasn’t controlled by circumstances, human approval, or the fear of death. His life’s purpose was to spread the good news, plant churches, and strengthen the faith of others. Christ in him and through him was for the benefit of others.

But Paul also understood that if death came, it would mean waking to the presence of Jesus — the ultimate gain. Life or death, it was Christ either way.

The Beauty of the Greek

The original Greek in this verse offers a poetic rhythm that the English translation doesn’t fully capture:
τὸ ζῆν Χριστὸς καὶ τὸ ἀποθανεῖν κέρδος.

Walter Hanson noted that "Paul’s own heartbeats are heard in the rhythm of these words."

The Greek reads literally as: "Living Christ, dying Gain."

The simplicity is striking. Paul’s heartbeat was Christ, and his confidence in death was unwavering.

Avoiding Condemnation and Embracing Grace

It’s easy to hear Paul’s words and feel inadequate. You might think, "I’m not as devoted as Paul. My affections aren’t so perfectly ordered." But the gospel doesn’t leave us in condemnation. Paul’s purpose in writing was not to burden others but to testify to the all-encompassing grace of Jesus.

Paul’s life was evidence of grace — Jesus in him, through the Spirit. This same grace is yours. You have been placed in Christ, and His life now lives in you. In life or in death, you are hemmed in on all sides by His grace.

Christ Is Life

This is why death has lost its sting. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus conquered sin and death. When you face uncertainty, trials, or even the fear of death, remember — Christ is your life. Nothing can take that away.

In John 17:19, Jesus is praying for His disciples, and all those who would believe on Him. He says, “And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth.”

Jesus is simply saying, “I have set myself apart for them, so they would be set apart for me. So that they would be mine.” He is saying, to use OT language, that He has set His affections on you. John says we love because He first loved us. You have “Christ life,” because Christ gave Himself to death, He gave Himself fully, for you.

How does Paul arrive at to live is Christ, to die is gain? Because Christ died and lived again, so that we might gain.

Paul looked at that, and looked at that, and he looked and thought about it, and it changed him. It has changed you and continues to change you as continue to hear the good news. It shapes you and the way you think. It changes you and the desires you have. You have a new heart, given by the Spirit. It’s “Jesus life” inside of you. Nothing can take away this life from you. Hardships, mockery, persecution, not even death. Christ life, death gain.

You might say for Paul, this has become the meaning of life. The greatest mystery of mankind, the meaning of life. The answer is not 42, nor is it simply, “to be.” The meaning of life is Christ.

Paul is facing a dilemma here. He has two options, and of course he doesn’t really get to choose those options, but there’s two ways this shakes out for him, its life or death.

A Willingness, Not a Wish

Paul wasn’t consumed by a death wish, but he did have a death willingness. He understood that to depart from this life meant entering the fullness of Christ’s presence. Yet he also recognized the value of remaining — continuing to serve others and further their progress and joy in the faith.

The word "depart" in Philippians 1:23 is a nautical term, referring to a ship loosed from its moorings. While Paul was anchored in his earthly ministry, he eagerly anticipated the day he would be freed to be with Christ.

Striving for Others to Rejoice in Christ

Paul’s purpose was clear — to help others grow in their faith, experience joy, and boast in Christ. This is not a task solely for pastors or leaders; it’s a call for every believer. At GraceLife, our mission is simple: preach the gospel and make disciples.

Your life in Christ produces a desire to see others rejoice in all that is theirs in Him. Whether through conversations, acts of service, or discipleship, you contribute to their progress and joy in the faith.

So, embrace the heartbeat of Paul’s words: To live is Christ, to die is gain. And may your life be a testimony of the abundant grace of Jesus.

Caleb Berg